Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cynics ...

...I just don't understand them.

Pardon my french, but we've all had to deal with our share of shit.  Everyone will be heartbroken, whether its in a romantic situation or familial (with the loss of a loved one).

And everyone deals with it in their own way - Adele creates record-breaking albums, Rob Pattinson goes into hiding, and many of my friends post pictures of how much fun they're having without their scorned lover.

But then there are those that swear they will remain single because all (enter specific gender here) are the same, they'll never trust another person, relationships suck, etc. etc.

Once again, a fact of life is that you will always get hurt.  These occurrences are just that - occurrences.  It's an incident out of your control in most of the situations ...

Unless of course, you're a cynic. Because you bring that negative energy with you, you're ultimately setting yourself up for failure.  If you don't think it's right to stereotype someone by race or religion, then don't stereotype an entire gender because of a few bad experiences you've had.

Be cautious.  Learn from these experiences to grow.

But don't use them as an excuse to be miserable because ultimately, you will be miserable.  It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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